Monday, November 2, 2009

歌手:蔡健雅 词曲:蔡健雅

现在的我 还是对爱充满疑惑
没对或错 还不想给什么承诺
保持沉默 独自走过
空虚和寂寞 它们陪伴着我
装作洒脱 其实很懦弱
有太多的借口 终究没有结果


让我感受 他多爱我


未来的我 一个人过也算不错
冰冷的手 插入口袋也算暖和

日出日落 都差不多
若有谁陪我 那一定更好过
天空为我 一直闪烁着
用太多的借口 我在拒绝什么

the end~


Sunday, October 4, 2009


I will give up to further my study anymore.
I think I should appreciate my time with my family especially with my mom.
I wish I can sponsor my mom to go travel together.
I really dont know how my life will go on...

People say when your relationship failed.. you will find success in your career.
Ohh... why it doesnt happen to me???
Why my work still not within expectation and still kena "nag" by my boss...
I know they must have been disappointed at me!!
I must change to be a better one... I cannot give up either to my work or my life...

I wish my best friends will have success and meaningful life...
I wish my sisters and brothers will have a happy and healthy life....
Finally, I wish my mother long life and happy always.
I love you all.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Love is over...

I lost myself.
I have no direction at all.
I know everyone must go through some ups and downs in life.
But I don't know if I can go through my pain or not, and when I can fully stand up.
My thinking is very negative. I have no motivation to anything, I am a loser and I don't have confident at all. Everyone thinks that I've recovered. And I pretend that I am recovered.
No one knows inside my heart, my tears still rolling non-stop.
I cry for you, for our memories, for our poor love...
Love is over... and will never ever come back again.

Mama, I miss you very much!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


作词:陶晶莹 作曲:陶晶莹/黄韵玲



Ling sent me this song. She said "有一天你会幸福的"
I dont know. I dare not to wish.
Will I?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Is her

You know why I don't call you..?
One of the reason is I will think of him...
I still cannot forget him...
I still feel the pain...
I become moody everytime I think of him...
You and Him somewhat related...
That's y I dont really dare to call you...
even I wanted to...
I am so weak... I thougt I am Ok already...

Today, finally I know who is she already... the one who stole him from me...
I got it right at the first place... it's really her...
And he kept lying to me said that she's not pretty and she's someone I've nv met...
I am so painful whenever I think of he lied to me...
I can accept he leaves me...
But I really hate him lying to me... Why??
Why he wanted to lie to me..
I really hate him did so to me...

Friday, July 24, 2009


答應了KW我會完成這個任務。。 雖然是一個月后的事了。 不好意思喔。。

Things to share with you...

1。 我非常喜歡看倪匡筆下著名的衛斯理科幻系列。 我收集了將近完整的一系列。 可惜倪匡沒再繼續寫了。 我覺得最好看得小説就是衛斯理了。
2。 我喜歡漂亮。 但我很懶惰。 所以,我是個丑女人。
3。 我是一個強烈需要鼓勵的人。 我會覺得別人不重視我的付出或是我做得不夠好,沒有存在的價值。 尤其在PANASONIC 日本公司裏上班, 上面的人對於輩分太過於注重了, 往往忽視了我們小卒子的付出。但是, 我做不出陷害人或出賣人的事只爲了向上爬。
4。 覺得這個世界很坏, 有過百樣的醜態。 到現在還是不能接受既現實又醜陋的社會。 問題:我們因該改變自己去適應這個世界, 還是去尋找一個適合自己的世界呢? 得到的和損失的又因該做比較嗎?
5。 相信塔儸牌。 也看見了它所預言的事情發生。

6。 喜歡旅行。不是沖沖去沖沖囘的旅行。 是在那個地方住上一段時閒, 感受當地的生活和文化。
7。 我的腳步很小很慢。 別人已經去了另一個地方, 我卻還在慢慢地走。
8。 我是一個依賴性很強的人。 喜歡別人照顧我的感覺, 但是別教我怎麽做人, 因爲你我觀點不同。
9。 對於將來沒有計劃。 隨波逐流是我的性格。Just lay back...
10。 超愛吃酸酸的食物。 但是很討厭被人抛棄, 心裏酸酸的感覺。
11。 喜歡做瑜伽。 希望有一天可以嘗試在戶外做做瑜伽, 不知道會不會有不一樣的感受和心情呢。。。
12。 愛發白日夢。 時常想象一些有的沒的。 就是從來不曾實現過。 所以都説是白日夢了嘛。
13。 妒忌心還蠻重的。 但就只限于個人感受。 希望可以改啦。。。
14。 喜歡看日本小學館的愛情漫畫, 浪漫又感人。 還活在童話故事裏嗎?? 現實上是不會有的。
15。 喜歡看鬼片, 但是又很害怕。 一定等有人陪才一起看。。
16。 我很愛我的家人和朋友。雖然我不時常和他們聯絡。 這是真的。 不需要解釋, 如果你相信我就可以了。希望他們快樂時常。


Sunday, June 28, 2009


三个月了。 我们分开已经三个月了。。。
今天在电脑中找东西时, 不小心的打开了存有你相片的 folder.
看着你, 眼泪在不知不觉中流了下来。。。
可是, 原来你还在我心中。。。

有一位朋友对我说:“当你真正可以放下他时, 让我知道。 我想照顾你。”
我也以为我很快就可以忘记你, 和你的一切。
夜深人静的时候, 我还是会很痛苦, 很想你。
我骗不了自己去尝试接受别人, 至少现在还是不行。。

Monday, June 8, 2009


每天每天明明身邊充滿著笑聲。應該很開心的,我卻又覺得特別孤單。。。 只因你已不在我身邊。。。 好想你!


最怕空氣突然安靜  最怕朋友突然的關心
最怕回憶 突然翻滾絞痛著 不平息
最怕突然 聽到你的消息
想念如果會有聲音 不願那是悲傷的哭泣

事到如今  終於讓自己屬於 我自己
只剩眼淚  還騙不過自己
突然好想你 你會在哪裡 過得快樂或委屈
突然好想你 突然鋒利的回憶 突然模糊的眼睛

為什麼你 帶我走過最難忘的旅行然後留下 最痛的紀念品

我們 那麼甜那麼美那麼相信 那麼瘋那麼熱烈的曾經

突然好想你 你會在哪裡 過得快樂或委屈
突然好想你 突然鋒利的回憶 突然模糊的眼睛

最怕空氣突然安靜  最怕朋友突然的關心

最怕回憶 突然翻滾絞痛著 不平息
最怕突然 聽到你的消息
最怕此生 已經決心自己過 沒有你 卻又突然 聽到你的消息

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Heavenly Days

新垣結衣 - Heavenly Days

目覚ましが鳴る前に起きて 時を止める





heavenly days





歩きつかれて 座り込んで 途方にくれて

叶わない夢 “運命”とか ふたりなら言えた

改札口で 言えなかった 言いたかった



heavenly days



握れなかった 涙さえ落ちなかった

一人ぽっちになり 今さら 溢れ出すよ

heavenly days




手を伸ばしてみても ここにはもう居ないよ

新しい光の下 歩き出すよ


I turn off the time to wake up before the alarm clock ressounds

I don’t know why but I can already remember you

I wonder if, before I know it, I’ll forget

even the miracle of being able to meet you for one hundred minutes

Will I end up forgetting even that I’ve forgotten?

Heavenly days

in the room in the pocket of my heart

I look for your vanished warmth

Even if there’s no way to feel you ever again, ah

I’m locking up those days that are still a bit warm

Tired of walking, I sat down and was at a loss, if you were with me

We could have talked about something like our unbearable dream’s fate

I couldn’t say it by the ticket barrier,

I wanted to say That I feel “Thank you” are maybe words much sadder than “goodbye”

Heavenly days,

I wonder if I could smile properly

At the scene of our last kiss,

I couldn’t even grasp your shivering hands,

not even my tears fell, ah

Now that it’s too late, they overflow when I’m alone

Heavenly days,

in the room in the pocket of my heart

I look for your vanished warmth

Even if there’s no way to feel you ever again, ah

Even if I stretch out my hands, you’re not here anymore

I’ll walk on under a new light

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Thinking to go back as a student again...
But I have no ideas what to major in...
Definitely not in Engineering again...
Business..? Emm...
Child study... after Lee told me that it needs to continue with Teaching Program which may last for few years.. I need to re-consider it...
I prefer to study on child psychological related courses...
Also, country to go to study is a problem too...
At first, my first choice is to UK. I've nv been there... and I want to travel the whole EU... experience Europeans lifestyle... how nice it is... However, the tuition fee is killing me... too much for me even I work part time earning GBP 300 per mth... not enough to cover my other expenses...
Aus... is my 2nd choice... US is my last choice...
This afternoon, PC told me in Swiss got some universities using English too... So my 2nd choice now becomes Swiss.. hehe... Hope we can find a school with english as teaching medium and the tuition fee is affordable... Pleaseee.. let me go to Swiss to study >.<

Friday, June 5, 2009


Oo.. my first blog is created on 03.06.09. Quite a nice day~

I am back... to the world... after 2 mths healing my wound...
I decide to bury everything related to him...
And I will start my "single and available" life from now on... =)

I find that blogging isn't an easy job... it takes me quite a while to write even just few sentences... =p
Sorry kw, I am not good in writing... hehe..